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KPSEA 2023 Integrated Science

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During a lesson, grade six learners discussed functions of different parts of a plant. Which part of a plant is responsible for making plant food?

The following diagrams were drawn by learners to represent two types of root systems E and F

root systems
Which of the following pairs of plants is matched to its correct root system ?

During a class activity, learners recorded the following observations about a group of invertebrates:

(i) Three body parts

(ii) Three pairs of legs

(iii) Have wings

(iv) Have antennae

Which of the following is a member of the group observed by the learners?

The following diagram represents some parts of the human heart drawn by learners during a lesson on functions of the heart

Which one of the following is a function of the part labelled G?

Grade 6 learners listed the following parts of the human reproductive system. Which part belongs to the female reproductive system

 During a science lesson, learners observed the following activities shown in the following pictures. In which of the activities is water not conserved?


Water conservation

A person donated a desktop computer to a person who needed it instead of throwing it away. This is an example of managing solid waste by: 

During a class discussion, learners suggested ways of controlling water pollution. Which of the following ways would control water pollution?


During a class discussion, learners listed ways of preventing infestation by external parasites. Which of the following ways prevent infestation by jiggers? 


Learners used a ball and ring shown in the following set up to demonstrate a certain property of matter.  They observed that the ball could pass through the ring before heating, but after heating it could not. 

ring and ball experiment

Which of the following properties of matter was being demonstrated? Matter 

 Which of the following describe an application of change of state of matter in everyday life? 


Which of the following components of air is 78% by volume? 


Learners listed the following as ways by which friction can be reduced. Which one was not correct?