Published on October 21st 2023 | 4 mins , 777 words
CRE Paper 2 Joint Exam 2023
1. (a) Outline Nathan’s prophecy concerning the Messiah (6 marks)
God would ensure that the kingdom of David lasts forever
An heir from David’s lineage would be raised to sit on the throne
The messiah would deliver Israel from her political enemies
God would keep the messiah kingdom strong
The messiah would be a descendant of King David
The messiah would be like a son of God
(b) State the difference between the work of John the Baptist and that of Jesus (7 marks)
John the Baptist preached mainly in the wilderness / the desert of Judah, while Jesus preached in the synagogues/ homes / cities/temples
John the Baptist called people to repentance while Jesus forgave / died for their sins
John the Baptist was baptizing with water, but Jesus was baptized with the Holy Spirit / fire
John the Baptist lived the life of a Nazarite, while Jesus mixed freely with all people
The emphasis of John the Baptist preaching was in the promised messiah, while that of Jesus was about the Kingdom of God
John the Baptist message was direct whereas Jesus preached in parables
While John the Baptist disciples fasted, the disciples of Jesus ate and drunk
John the Baptist did not perform miracles while Jesus’ ministry was full of signs and wonders
(c) Give seven reasons why Christians present gifts to newborn babies
Christians give gifts in order to welcome the baby into the family / world
It is a sign of their love / contribution to the baby’s welfare
It is a way of appreciating the gift of life / blessing
It is a way of thanking God / appreciating his goodness
It is a form of congratulating the mother / parent
It is an expression of their joy
It is a way of emulating biblical practices
2a) Describe the feeding of the 5000 men in reference to Luke 9:10-17 (8 marks)
The apostles returned and told Jesus the things they had done
Jesus took them to a deserted place at a city called Bethsaida
A multitude followed him to receive the word of God
Jesus cured whose who were in need of healing
When the evening came , the 12 told Jesus to tell the crowd to go away
They wanted the people to get provisions and lodge in the nearby town
Jesus told the disciples to give them something to eat
They said to Jesus , we have only five loaves and 2 fish
They were about 5000 men
He told his disciples to make them sit down in groups of 50
The disciples made them all sit down
Jesus took the five loaves and 2 fish, looking to heaven and blessed it
He gave them to the disciples to set them before the crowd / multitude
They ate and were filled
They collected 12 baskets of the leftover fragments / broken pieces
b) Outline six reasons why Jesus was rejected at Nazareth (6 marks)
Jesus claimed to be the Messiah, fulfilling Isaiah’s prophecy
Jesus did not perform miracles in Nazareth as he had performed in Capernaum
He annoyed the listeners by telling them that their forefathers had rejected/persecuted the prophets of the lord
He told the people that since they had rejected the good news, it will be given to the gentiles
The Jews in Nazareth were annoyed when Jesus compared them unfavourably with the gentiles
(c) Mention the six virtues Christians learn from the feeding of 5000 men (6 marks)
- Service
- Obedience
- Faith / trust
- Respect
- Humility
- Cooperation
- Thankfulness
- Carefulness
- Responsibility
- Kindness / generosity / sharing
- Concern / comparison / mercy
3a Outline Jesus teaching on watchfulness and readiness Luke 12:35-39 (7 marks)
Believers should be dressed for his coming
They should keep up their lamps burning
They should be awake/alert
They should be prepared at all times since they do not know the time for Christ’s coming
Believers should continue working until Christ comes back
The servants / believers who are drunkard / mistreat fellow workers will be punished
Those who know what is required of them / their master’s will and fail to do it will receive a severe beating
Believers are expected to respond to God according to how they have received from him
Those who do wrong out of ignorance will receive lesser beatings / punishments