Published on September 23rd 2023 | 12 mins , 2368 words
History paper 1
1. Identify the branch of history that studies occupation of people
- Economic history
2. State two political effects of the migration of Rendile into Kenya during the pre-colonial period
- Increased warfare with the neighbouring communities
- Led to formation of new military alliances in the region e.g Rendile and Samburu against the Turkana
3. Identify one age grade for elders among the Akamba
- Junior elders/Anake
- Medium elders/Nthele
- Full elders/Atumia ma kivalo
4. Give one reason why the East African coast was strategically important for the Portuguese in the 15th C.
- Presence of deep natural harbours
- Access of the East African Communities through the sea
5. Give two roles of the Portuguese Captain at the Coast
- To collect taxes from the coastal rulers
- To impose export and import custom duties
- To suppress any form of resistance and rebellion
- They were responsible for good governance on behalf of the viceroy based in Goa, India
6. identify two categories of people eligible for registration as Kenyan citizens
(i) One must lawfully reside in Kenya continuously for at least seven years
(ii) A child who is not a Kenyan citizen by be adopted by a Kenyan citizen
(iii) A person must be married to a Kenyan citizen for at least seven years
7. State two causes of economic conflicts in Kenya
- Dispute over natural resources e.g. water, pasture, land and oil
- unequal allocation of natural resources
- Difference between employer and workers
- Difference over trading policies e.g. taxation
- Failure to adhere to contractual obligation
8. which constitutional amendment made Kenya a de jure one party state
- Introduction of section 2A of the constitution
9. Give two rights of the older members contained in the constitution of Kenya
Right :
- To fully participate in the affairs of the society
- To pursue their personal development
- To live in dignity and respect
- To be free from abuse
- To receive reasonable care and assistance from the family
10. Name two duties of a chief during colonial administration in Kenya
- Maintenance of law and order
- Hearing of petty cases
- Tax collection
- Labour recruitment/ army conscriptions
11. Give two grievances of the Asians that led to Devonshire white paper
- They wanted equal rights with settlers, especially in white Highlands
- They wanted their restrictions on immigration to be done away with
- They disliked separate taxation and segregated education
- They wanted racial discrimination and political injustices practised by the white to end
12. Highlight two roles played by Daniel Toroitich Arap Moi in the provision of education in Kenya (2mks)
i. He introduced 8-4-4 system of education
ii. Introduced school milk to retain learners in school and increase enrolment
iii. Expanded facilities for tertiary education and so increased access
13. Give one example of a civil case that is handled by the Kadhis Courts in Kenya. (1mk)
i. Divorce
ii. Marriage
iii. Inheritance
iv. Personal status. Any 1 x 1 = 1mark
14. Identify two sources of Nyayo philosophy. (2mks)
i. African Socialism/Sessional paper No.10 of 1965
ii. Bible/Christianity/Biblical teachings on Ten Commandments
iii. The Moi’s long political career/experience.
Any 2x1 = 2marks
15. What is the main role of the Attorney -General in Kenya. (1mk)
- Is the principal/chief legal advisor to the government 1 point @1mark
16. Give one level of government in Kenya today. (1mk)
i. National government
ii. County Government. Any 1 x 1 = 1 mark
17. Name two types of public expenditure. (2mks)
i. Capital
ii. Recurrent. 2 x 1 = 2 marks
Answer any three questions from this section.
18. a) State three similarities in the political organization of the Ameru and Abagusii of Kenya in the 19th Century. (3mks)
i. The clan formed the basic unit
ii. Leadership was by council of elders
iii. Both had warriors who defended the society
iv. In both cases the council of elders settled disputes
v. By sharing specialists like medicine men and seers
Any 3x1 = 3marks
b) Explain six results of the migration and settlement of the Maasai into Kenya during the pre-colonial period. (12mks)
i. They intermarried with their neighbouring communities which strengthened their relations
ii. Led to increased trading activities with their neighbours from whom they obtained what they lacked
iii. They displaced some communities whom they came into contact with
iv. They assimilated/absorbed some communities who had settled in the region earlier leading to extinction of the absorbed groups
v. Led to increased inter community warfare because they competed for resources
vi. They adopted cultural activities of the communities that they interacted with
vii. It led to population increase/expansion in the region/area where they settled thereby forcing some communities who had settled in the region to migrate /population redistribution
viii. It led to adoption of new economic activities like the practise of agriculture from neighbouring communities
ix. It led to improvement of military techniques of some communities after borrowing from the Maasai
x. Some neighbouring communities adopted social -political ways of the Maasai for example the institution of the orkoiyot by the Nandi
Any 6x2 = 12 marks
19. a) Give five causes of the Somali resistance to the British colonial rule in Kenya. (5mks)
i. The Somali were opposed to the division of Somaliland into British/Italian sphere of influence.
ii. They were opposed to punitive expedition sent against them by the British
iii. The Somali being Muslims were opposed to being controlled by the British who were Christians
iv. The British attempted to stop the Somali from raiding their neighbours
v. The British wanted the Somali to stop their nomadic way of life
vi. The Somali were against the British control of their pastureland/watering points
Any 5x1 = 5marks
b) Discuss five negative effects of the British colonial rule in Kenya (10mks)
i. The British colonial rule led to the loss of political independence among the Kenyan communities
ii. The rule led to the creation of reserves for Africans which led to squatters
iii. The British rule led to the introduction of forced labour among the Africans
iv. It undermined African cultural practices.
v. The rule led to introduction of taxation on Kenyans
vi. Africans lost their land to the Europeans
vii. There was introduction of kipande system to monitor the movement of Africans in Kenya
viii. People lost their lives due to the British harsh rule
ix. The British colonial rule led to the destruction of traditional African political systems.
Any 5 well explained @ 2 marks = 10 marks
20. a) State five factors that contributed to urbanisation in colonial Kenya. (5mks)
i. The construction of the Uganda railway
ii. Asians established dukas/shops at different points which attracted human settlement
iii. Administrative bases /posts set up by the government grew into towns
iv. Large scale settler agriculture
v. Agro-based industries such as flour processing plants attracted labourers
vi. Mining activities drew people to areas such as Magadi and Kakamega
vii. Towns developed along feeder roads
viii. Some grew along institutions like hospital schools
Any 5x1 = 5 marks
b) Explain Five reasons which promoted the growth of African nationalism in Kenya between 1945and 1963. (10mk)
i. The acquisition of Western education by many Africans enabled them to understand political developments and forcefully demand for independence
ii. The experience of ex-soldiers in the Second World War made them to realize that Europeans were not superior hence demand for self-rule
iii. The decolonization policy by the United Nations inspired African nationalists to press for independence
iv. The support given by Pan-Africanists in demanding for political independence gave Africans confidence
v. The signing of the Atlantic Charter in 1961 inspired Africans to demand for self -rule
vi. The realization by Britain that colonies were expensive to administer hence the need to grant them self-rule
vii. The failure by the colonial government to reward the ex- World War II soldiers increased the agitation for independence
viii. The granting of independence to India in 1947 inspired Africans to demand for political independence
ix. The Mau Mau uprising and its activities hastened the independence as they fought for land rights among other grievances
x. The formation of nation-wide political parties like KANU and KADU which mobilized Africans against colonial rule
xi. The Labour Party in Britain was in favour of decolonization of her former colonies, this inspired the nationalists
Any 5 points well explained @2 marks = 10 marks
21 (a) State three characteristics of early political organizations up to 1939. (3mks)
i. They were led by young missionary-educated Africans
ii. They received support from the Asians
iii. They were ethnic based
iv. They had similar grievances/demands
v. They attracted a small membership
vi. They demanded an end to economic exploitation instead of political independence
vii. They used non-violence means to express their grievances
Any 3x1 = 3 marks
b) Outline five ways in which the Harambee philosophy has promoted social development in Kenya since independence. (10mks)
i. Funds have been raised which has enabled sick people to receive treatment locally /abroad
ii. It has enabled the construction of social amenities like hospitals/schools
iii. It has promoted sporting activities by financing training/competition
iv. It has promoted the spirit of hard work
v. It has promoted education by providing scholarship to needy students
vi. It has promoted interaction of the people/unity
vii. It has supplemented government efforts in the provision of social services to the people
Any 5 well explained = 10 marks
Answer any two questions from this section.
22. a) Give five circumstances under which one’s right to life may be limited. (5mks)
i. When a person acts in self-defence
ii. When a person acts in defence of their property
iii. When security officers act to prevent the escape of a person who is lawfully detained
iv. When security officers suppress a riot/rebellion /mutiny
v. When security officers act to prevent an individual from committing a crime
vi. When the country is at war
Any 5x1 = 5marks
b) Explain five effects of conflicts in Kenya. (10mks)
i. Massive displacement of people /people become refugees
ii. Fear/insecurity due to anarchy /state of lawlessness
iii. Loss of lives as many people are killed
iv. Destruction of property like farms and buildings
v. Starvation due to crop destruction and disruption of agricultural activities
vi. People become poor due to decline of economic decline/poverty
vii. Human suffering/misery becomes widespread
Any 5 x2 =10 marks
23. a) State three reasons why General elections are important in Kenya. (3mks)
i. They provide Kenyans with an opportunity to choose political leaders
ii. Enable Kenyans to exercise their democratic rights
iii. They offer alternative ideas of running the government through different political parties
iv. It is a constitutional requirement
v. They make elected leaders /prospective leaders work hard to ensure that they re-elected.
Any 3x1 = 3 marks
b) Discuss six functions of the speaker of the National Assembly. (12mks)
i. The speaker ensures that all the house proceedings are in accordance with the rule of procedure
ii. Maintains order during debates and interprets the rule of the house
iii. The speaker disciplines members who have violated standing orders
iv. The speaker receives bills, motions, questions for the House to discuss /determines order of discussion
v. The speaker keeps/maintains the attendance register/give permission for absenteeism
vi. The speaker summons national assembly members from recess for a new session
vii. The speaker swears in new members before participating in house deliberations
viii. The speaker adjourns sittings if the house lacks quorum
ix. The speaker of national Assembly is the chairperson of the parliamentary
x. The speaker represents parliament/at official functions outside the House
xi. The speaker protects the dignity /authority of the House
xii. The speaker heads the general administration/spokesperson of the house.
Any 6 well explained @2marks = 12 marks
24. a) State any three features of a good constitution. (3mks)
i. Able to protect the fundamental Rights and freedoms of citizens
ii. Must be comprehensive/ contains/covers all aspect of government
iii. Must be definite/clarity
iv. Must be durable, elastic and not easily tampered with
v. Must be flexible, hence address the change in needs of the society
vi. Should have a provision/procedure for its amendments
vii. Illegal aliens may be held up and deported to their countries of origin
Any 3 x 1 = 3 marks
b) Explain six challenges faced by the county governments in Kenya. (12mks)
i. High population in some counties making it difficult in the provision of quality services
ii. Poor transport/communication network hinders the movement of goods/services
iii. Inadequate resources make it difficult for the counties to generate enough revenue for development
iv. Rivalry/wrangling among leaders in the counties undermines the service delivery
v. Corruption /embezzlement/misuse of funds slows down development in the counties
vi. Delay in remittance of funds to the counties by the national government hampers county operations
vii. Natural calamities in some counties leads to diversion to diversion of resources to address emergencies/floods
viii. Interference in county work by the national government
ix. Inadequate skilled personnel to man key departments within the county
x. Ethnicity/nepotisms employment undermines efficiency
xi. Duplication of roles with the national government
xii. Conflict over common resources such as water/forestland between counties