Quality Exams

Form 4 KCSE 2023 CRE Paper 1 Mock Examination

Published on November 12th 2023 | 8 mins , 1486 words


1 a) Identify seven literary forms used in the writing of the Bible. (7 marks)

  • Wise sayings
  • Legal expressions / legislative texts
  • Prophetic speeches
  • Philosophical essays
  • Prayers
  • Poetry
  • Gospels
  • Love Songs
  • Epistles/ letters

b) State seven similarities in the Biblical stories of creation in Genesis 1 and 2. (7 marks)

  • In both, God is the sole creator.
  • In both human beings are given responsibilities over God's creation.
  • In both accounts, human beings are special beings.
  • In both stories, God is the source of life.
  • In both, God is self-existent since He existed even before creation.
  • In both, human beings are portrayed as superior with higher dignity.
  • In both, God created male and female separately.
  • In both stories, all created things depend on God for sustenance. God is portrayed as a Provider.


c) Outline the causes of evil in Kenya today. (7 marks)

  • Poverty
  • Affluence/ wealth
  • Corruption/ greed/selfishness/lust
  • Disobedience/ rebellion
  • Inability to forgive others
  • Influence from mass media/ foreign culture
  • Wrong choices/ negative peer influence
  • Unemployment
  • Permissiveness/ too much freedom
  • Drugs and substance abuse
  • Poor role model
  • Lack of guidance and counseling/ poor upbringing

a )Describe how the Israelites broke the covenant they had made with God at Mount Sinai  (Exodus 32: l-30) (8 marks)

  • Moses had gone up the mountain to seek God’s guidance/instructions.
  • Aaron had been left in charge of the people.
  • Moses delayed in returning/the people became impatient.
  • Israelites asked Aaron to make them a god that would lead them.
  • Aaron yielded to the demands of the Israelites/made them a golden calf to worship.
  • Aaron built an altar at the foot of the mountain/put the calf.
  • The people worshiped the calf/made sacrifices to it.
  • God was angered and set to destroy the Israelites.
  • Moses interceded on behalf of the people.
  • When Moses came down from the mountain he was angry with the people/broke the stone tablet on which the Ten Commandments were written.
  • Israelites were given a chance to choose between following Yahweh or the golden calf.
  • Those who followed the golden calf were destroyed/killed.

Any 8x1=8 marks

b) Give six differences between Jewish and traditional African practices of circumcision (6marks)

  • In the Jewish Community, circumcision is for male only whereas in African practices, it is for male and female.
  • Among the Jews, circumcision is performed on babies of eight days old whereas in traditional African communities, it is done on adolescents.
  • In African communities, circumcision is carried out during specific seasons while among Jews, it is continuous.
  • It is a communal practice among African communities, but only members of the immediate family participate among Jews.
  • Circumcision is a strictly religious ritual among the Jews whereas among Africans, it is both a religious and cultural ritual.
  • Jewish circumcision is a test of faith and commitment to God. However, African circumcision is a test of courage, bravery, and endurance.
  • Among the Jews, there was no seclusion period after circumcision while the seclusion period was compulsory among Africans.

c) Outline the relevance of God's promises to Abraham to Christians today (6 marks)

  • Christians believe that God fulfills the promises He makes to his people
  • Christians believe that they are descendants and heirs of Abraham by faith
  • Christians believe that there is nothing impossible with God
  • Christians are assured of God's protection
  • Christians enter into a new and everlasting covenant with God through Jesus Christ
  • Christians are called to leave their past sinful lives

3 a) Outline six ways that King David used to promote the worship of God in Israel. (6 marks)

  • He brought the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. The Ark of the Covenant contained the Ten Commandments and was kept in the section of the Tabernacle called the Holies.
  • He made Jerusalem a holy city and center of worship where all Israelites from all over the land came for important religious occasions.
  • He composed psalms that were used in worship by Israelites, especially during the exile
  • He wanted to build a temple for God. However, God denied him that opportunity.
  • He repented whenever he made mistakes. For instance, after committing adultery with Uriah's wife, Bathsheba, he sought forgiveness from God.
  • He built altars and offered sacrifices to God
  • He showed respect to prophets of God such as Nathan.
  • He acted as a good role model by worshipping God.

b) Explain four life skills that Elijah used to fight against false religion in Israel. (8 marks) 

  • Assertiveness - he told Ahab that he was the cause of trouble in Israel
  • Creative thinking - He requested a contest with the prophets of Baal.
  • Decision making - he decided to kill the prophets/prophetess of Baal
  • Self-esteem - He was convinced that God was on his side
  • Negotiation - Elijah asked the Israelites to choose between God and Baal.
  • Conflict resolution - through the contest, he convinced the Israelites that Yahweh was the true God.
  • Effective communication - He explained to the people how the contest was to be carried out.
  • Self-awareness - He knew that he was the prophet of the true God/ he had confidence in himself.
  • Critical thinking - sought ways to prove that Yahweh was true

Note: every life skill must be shown how Elijah used it.

c) Give ways in which Christians can enhance true worship of God in Kenya today (6 marks)

  • Praying for God's guidance
  • Reading the Bible
  • living exemplary lives
  • Giving tithes/offerings
  • Repenting and forgiving one another
  • Attending church services
  • Carrying out worship within the legal framework
  • Seeking guidance and counseling from church leaders on how to worship

4 a) Explain the role of prophets in the Old Testament (6 marks)

  • They spoke on behalf of God/ were God's mouthpieces.
  • They foretold the future events.
  • They revealed the nature of God to people.
  • They acted as mediators between God and the people.
  • They guided and counseled the kings/ advised kings.
  • They called people back to repentance.
  • They gave a message of hope to people.
  • They reminded the people about the covenant way of life.
  • They condemned evil in society.
  • They warned people of God's judgment.
  • They made people understand the nature of God.
  • They offered sacrifices to God.
  • They anointed kings.
  • They interpret the vision and dreams of God.

b) State seven ways in which the rich oppressed the poor during the time of Prophet Amos, (7 marks)

  • The rich took people's garment in pledge.
  • The poor were robbed of their food and belongings.
  • Merchants overcharged the poor when selling them anything.
  • The poor were sold for a piece of silver.
  • The rich used false measuring scales in business.
  • The poor were sold into slavery when they were unable to pay their | debts to the rich
  • They sold products that were not fit for human consumption to the| poor.
  • The poor were denied justice in law courts because they could not] bribe judges.

c) In what ways is the Church in Kenya promoting justice in the society (7 marks)

  • Promoting education to the public on social justice / civic education
  • By respecting and following the laws of the country as laid down by the government
  • By providing shelter to the needy
  • Preaching on social justice
  • Praying for social justice
  • Giving food/shelter to the hungry
  • Advising government on the need to uphold justice in the society
  • Condemning acts of injustice

5 a) Outline seven problems that Nehemiah encountered in rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem. (7 marks).

  • Lack of support and cooperation when rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem from the nobles of Tekoa.
  • His work of rebuilding the wall was ridiculed and despised by Sanballat and Tobiah.
  • He was falsely accused of rebellion and treason.
  • There was a plot to k i l l him through the treachery of Sanballat.
  • Oppression of the poor by the rich which was against the covenant way of life.
  • There was a violation and negligence of Sabbath observance.
  • The Jews had lost their cultural identity through intermarriages with foreigners.
  • Threats of attacks derailed the work of reconstruction.

First 7x1=7 marks

b) Explain the significance of the symbolic act of buying land by prophet Jeremiah. (6marks)

  • It shows that the people of Judah still had a future despite the coming crisis.
  • It was an assurance that people would be restored back to their homeland.
  • It portrayed that people would resume normal lives.
  • It showed that divine judgment was not an end in itself.
  • It symbolized that people would wait patiently for their return from exile.
  • It showed that restoration was to take place in God's own time.
  • It showed that God is faithful He keeps the promise of restoring Israelites to their ancestral land.
  • It made them secure and they will not lack anything

b) State six factors that undermine the role of medicine men in Kenya today. (6 marks)

  • Introduction of Western medicine/hospitals/new inventions/science and technology
  • Emergence of new religions that do not support medicine men
  • There is destruction of forests/herbs/deforestation
  • Lack of proper education by herbalists/professionalism /lack of proper dosage
  • Herbal medicine is cumbersome to look for
  • low hygiene standards associated with herbal medicine
  • Certain chronic diseases cannot be treated by some herbs
  • Emergence of conmen/quacks who give the wrong medicine
  • Urbanization/immigration from rural to urban center
  • Lack of awareness/education on herbal medicine by the public
  • Strict government policies /rules/regulations that control both herbal and modern medicine.
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