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Form 4 KCSE 2023 History Paper 1 Prediction

Published on November 4th 2023 | 7 mins , 1324 words

Identify the arm of government that implements the law  (1mk)

The executive

State the dispersal point of the river Lake Nilotes in Uganda before moving to Kenya (1mk)

Pubungu Pakwach

Give the name of the warriors among the Luo  (1mk)

Thuondi (bulls)

Name the missionary who translated the New Testament to Kiswahili  (1mk)

Dr. Ludwig Kraph

Give two limitations of right to privacy        2mks

Tax inspectors enter a premise for tax collection Health officers for health inspection

Security officers search for a person who has committed a crime

Give one level of conflict      1mk

Individual vs individual Group vs group Individual vs state Group vs state

State vs state

Identify two functions of Nairobi as an urban centre           (2mks)

Administration centre

Transport and communication Centre Tourist centre

Commercial centre Residential centre Cultural centre Indusrial centre International centre

State two protection rights of a child   (2mks)

Protected from abuse, neglect, harmful cultural practices

Protected from violence, inhuman treatment and exploitative labour Not to be detained except as a measure of last resort

Give two groups that monitor human rights in Kenya other than KNHREC     (2mks)

Trade union movements Free press/ journalists NGOs

Law enforcement officers

Civil society groups e.g law society of Kenya

 Give the term of the second Maasai agreement of 1911     (1mk)

It pushed Maasai from fertile Laikipia reserves to Ngong reserves

Why were Africans not allowed to grow cash crop until 1937?   (1mk)

To remove African competition

To ensure provision of labour on European farms

To prevent spread of diseases from African farms to European farms

They claimed Africans did not have the knowledge to undertake large scale farming

Give the MAIN recommendation of Fraser Commission report of 1908 (1mk)

It recommended the introduction of racially segregated schools

Identify two groups that provided education during the colonial period   (2mk) 

The missionaries

The colonial government The Asians

The Africans

Name the Asian politician who helped East African Association (1mk)

M.A Desai

Identify two recommendations of Lennox Boyd constitution        2mks

An increase in the number of African elected members from 8 to 14 An increase in the number of African ministers to two

Introduction of a multi-racial representation in Legco.

By providing for 12 specially elected members – 4 from each race.

State two units of the Kenya Police Service 2mk

Criminal Investigations Department Anti-Stock Theft Unit

General Service Unit Traffic Police

Police Airwing

Anti- Narcortics Unit

Identify two functions of the chief justice   (2mks)

Head of the judiciary

President of the Supreme Court Chairperson of JSC

Swears into office the president and Deputy President Swears in newly admitted advocates of the high court Assigns duties of the judges of the Supreme Court


 Answer any three questions

a) Give five reasons for migration of Abagusii into Kenya during pre-colonial period 5mks

Due to population pressure in their original homeland Natural calamities

External attacks Internal feuds Outbreak of diseases

Spirit of adventure Search for fertile land

Describe the political organization of the Akamba during the pre-colonial period (10mks)

They had a decentralized political system

The basic political unit of the Akamba was the clan The clan was ruled by council of elders

They had different age-grades – junior elders who were warriors defending the community Medium elders who assisted in administration.

Full elders –Atumia ma kivalo who delivered judgements

Senior elders –Atumia ma ithembo- who were involved in religious activities

a) Give five causes of Somali resistance to British rule in the 19th C (5mks)

Opposed to the division of Somaliland into British and Italian spheres Somali being muslims were opposed to control by British Christians British attempt to stop Somali from raiding neighbours for cattle Angered by the punitive expeditions sent to their land

The British wanted the Somali to stop nomadic lifestyle

Explain five effects of Maasai collaboration with the British in early 20th C (10mks)

Lenana was made paramount chief of the Maasai The Maasai lost their land to British settlement

They were rewarded with material wealth acquired from resisting communities They lost their independence to the British

They were hired as mercenaries to pacify resisting communities Disruption of their economy as they lost their cattle

They were divided into Maasai of Kenya and Tanzania

a) state ways through which the colonial government controlled the migration of Africans to urban centres (3mks)

Taking a headcount of those supposed to live in urban centres

Enacting strict rules about migration into urban centres

Ensuring that only those with specific activities to undertake in urban centres lived there Introducing the kipande system

Explain reasons for the rise of independent churches and schools during pre-colonial Kenya (12mks)

To provide education opportunities for Africans To preserve their cultural heritage/ values

To sensitize Africans on evils of colonialism- colonial injustices like land alienation, taxation Kenyans were against the westernizing influence of missionaries

To create job opportunities for Africans as teachers- missionary education only prepared Africans for low-status jobs

Africans claimed to have received divine calling- John Owalo Africans were dissatisfied on the interpretation of the Christian scriptures

There was open discrimination against Africans in the church leadership as most served as altar boys


21. a) outline ways through which the ex-soldiers of WW11 contributed to the struggle for independence in Kenya  (5mks)

They were instrumental in the formation of MAU MAU movement They trained freedom fighters in war tactics

They waged armed struggle against the colonial government They made weapons used in the struggle for independence They dispelled the myth of European superiority

b) Explain five ways in which the Harambee philosophy has promoted the development of education in Kenya since independence (10mks)

Funds raised through Harambee were used to build educational institutions Many needy students were assisted in paying school fees

Physical facilities have been constructed/improved using Harambee funds

Teaching and learning materials have been purchased to improve quality of education Additional staff/ workers in schools have been paid using harambee funds

Co-curricular activities have been supported using well-wishers to help exploit talents


Answer any two questions

22.a) Give five economic responsibilities of a Kenyan citizen (5mks)

Participate in development activities Paying taxes

Engaging in income generation Protecting the environment Fighting corruption

b) Explain five factors that undermine National unity in Kenya      10mks

Unequal distribution of national resources causing imbalance in economic development leading to disharmony

Different religious beliefs causes hatred

Tribalism in employment and allocation of resources creates suspicion and hatred Nepotism to help relatives causes disharmony

Corruption and bribery leads to mistrust and suspicion Racism based on colour creates suspicion and hatred Gender discrimination causes suspicion

Greed for wealth and power causes hatred

23.a) Give three reasons why the constitution is important in Kenya 3mks

It defines the structure/ outlines the functions and powers of various branches of government It clearly states the rights and responsibilities of individuals

It spells out the responsibilities of those in power/ limits their authority It ensures equality of all Kenyans

It is the basis of all legislations in the country

b) Explain the functions of the Kenya National Human Rights and Equality Commission 12mks

To protect respect for human rights/ develop the culture of human rights in the country To receive complaints about alleged abuses to human rights from citizens

To monitor/ investigate and report on the observance of human rights in the country and take appropriate action

To promote the protection and observance of human rights To promote gender equality and equity generally

To take steps to secure appropriate redress where human rights have been violated

To investigate or research matters of human rights and make recommendations to the state

To ensure state compliance with obligations under treaties and conventions relating to human rights

24. a) What is the composition of the cabinet in Kenya (3mks)

The president

The deputy president The attorney General Cabinet Secretaries

b) Explain six powers of the President in Kenya    (12mks)

Commander in –chief of the Kenya Defence Forces Power to exercise the Executive Authority of the republic Power of mercy – to pardon convicted criminals

Power to nominate and appoint or dismiss cabinet secretaries, judges of superior courts and state officers

Power to confer honours in the name of the people and the republic Chairperson of the National Security Council

Power to declare a state of emergency

NB: Don’t award functions.

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