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2023 Geography Paper 1
Form 4 2023 Geography Paper 1

Published on October 29th 2023 | 2 mins , 303 words

Topics In Geography Paper 1

The Earth and the solar systems

Minerals and Rocks



Action of water in limestone areas 

The action of wind and water in arid areas

Introduction to Geography

Internal land-forming processes

External land-forming processes(weathering)

The Earth and the solar system


Action of rivers

Hydrological cycle

Mass Wasting


Minerals and Rocks

Oceans, seas, and their coasts


Weather and Climate


Muranga County Joint Geography Paper 1


1. a) Define the following terms:

(i) Geography

Geography refers to scientific study of earth as home of mankind

It can also be defined as study of distribution and interrelationship of the natural and human phenomena on earth's surface

(ii) Habitat

Refers to physical conditions that influence development and behaviour of living organisms

b) Give three branches of geography

The branches of geography include: Physical geography, Human geography and practical geography

2. a) Name two elements of weather that can be recorded at a school weather station

The elements of weather include: Rainfall, Sunshine, Temperature, Humidity, cloud cover, Atmospheric Pressure, and Wind

b) Give three reasons why the recording of data at a school weather station may be inaccurate

(i) Human error

(ii) Interference with instruments 

(iii) Poor siting of weather station

(iv) Extreme weather conditions

(v) Natural calamities

3 (a) What is hydrological cycle?

Hydrological cycle is the continuous interchange of water in a cycle between water bodies, land and atmosphere

b) State three factors that influence the amount of surface run-off

A mount / Nature of rainfall

Gradient of the land

Nature of the soil / rock

Water table

Vegetation cover

Human activities

4. Use the diagram below to answer the questions that follow


(a) What type of eclipse is represented in the diagram? 

Solar eclipse

(b) Name the parts P and Q

Q - Umbra

P - Moon

What is the effect of international date line on crossing the line

On crossing this longitude while going to the east, a day is gained while crossing to the west a day is lost

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