Published on March 3rd 2025 | 4 mins , 767 words
1. Define the following (2 marks)
i. Word processor
ii. Word processing
2. State three examples of word processors. (3 marks)
3. Give four advantages of using a word processor over a typewriter. (4 marks)
4. Differentiate between copying and moving text as used in word processing. (3 marks)
5. Explain the importance of the status bar. (1 mark)
6. List and explain four text alignment features. (4 marks)
7. Distinguish between the AutoComplete and AutoCorrect features as used in word processing. (2 marks)
8. Differentiate between editing and formatting a document. (2 marks)
9. State and explain two editing modes in MS Word. (2 marks)
10. Which key deletes characters to the right of the insertion point? (1 mark)
11. In word processing, the feature that allows the automatic movement of text to the next line when the current line is full is called _________. (1 mark)
12. The figure below shows the Home tab activated to display the Home ribbon. Use it to answer the questions that follow:
a) State five command groups displayed on the Home ribbon above. (5 marks)
b) Indicate, using the letter X, on the figure where the Font Dialog Launcher is located. (1 mark)
c) Indicate, using the letter Y, on the figure where the Change Case is located. (1 mark)
d) Indicate on the figure above the button you would use to apply numbering to a list of items. (1 mark)
e) Which of these groups would you use to copy and move text? (1 mark)
f) State any two buttons currently displayed on the Quick Access Toolbar. (2 marks)
13. State any three page or document formatting features. (3 marks)
14. The following is an extract from a document created using a word processor.
Most of the problems facing today’s youth are not restricted to any one ethnic or religious group, but affects young people generally. Studies have shown that issues such as drug abuse, crime, violence, sexuality and poverty are the most serious challenges afflicting them.
Other challenges include:
- Identity crisis: Who am I?
- Lack of self-confidence and low self-esteem
- Sense of hopelessness: Where am I going?
- Confusion and ambiguity concerning moral issues: What is right and wrong?
- Negative impact of electronic media: Entertainment?
- Competitiveness in education the uneven playing field: Excellence by whom? No me?
(a) Identify six formatting features that have been applied to the extract. (6 marks)
(b) State three tools in word processors that help minimize spelling mistakes when creating a document. (3 marks)
15. Give three differences between ROM and RAM. (3 marks)
16. State any three precautionary measures that should be considered to ensure safety of computers in a computer laboratory (3 marks)
17. State function of the following keys on the keyboard (2 marks)
(a) Delete key
(b) Insert Key
18. State three functions of an operating system. (2 marks)
19. State three categories of secondary storage media used in a computer. (3 marks)
20. What is an operating system? (1 mark)
21. State three types of operating systems classified according to their user interface.(3 marks)
22. State any three examples of an operating system (3 marks)
23. State two major parts of an operating system (2 marks)
24. State three softcopy output devices (2 marks)
25. What would happen to the cursor if the following actions were performed in a word processor?
i. Pressing tab key (1 mark)
ii. Pressing the shift + tab key (1 mark)
iii. Pressing enter key (1 mark)
26. State three differences between impact and non-impact printers. (3 marks)
27. Give three examples of keying input devices (3 marks)
28. State three physical part of a computer (3 marks)
29. Computers have evolved through a number of generations. List any 4 characteristics of the first generation of computers [4 Marks]
30. Using an abacus, represent 5780 (2 marks)
31. State the effect on selected text when the following shortcut key combinations are used in a word processor (3 marks)