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Form 4 KCSE 2019 History Paper 1 Marking Scheme

Published on March 3rd 2025 | 5 mins , 927 words

KCSE 2019 History Paper 1 Marking Scheme

SECTION A (25 marks)

Answer ALL questions in this section in the space provided after question 24.

1. Identify two theories which explain the origin of man.
(i) The Creation Theory ✓
(ii) The Evolution Theory ✓
(iii) The Traditional/mythical Theory

2. State two ways in which the Agikuyu interacted with the Maasai during the pre-colonial period.
(i) They intermarried.
(ii) They traded/exchanged goods.
(iii) They borrowed items from each other.
(iv) They raided each other/fought.

Any 2 × 1 = 2 marks.

3. Name the original homeland of the River-Lake Nilotes of Kenya.
(i) ➫ Bahr-el-Ghazal/Southern Sudan

Identify the main economic activity of the Akamba during the pre-colonial period.
(i) ➫ Livestock keeping

4. Give one advantage of dual citizenship to a Kenyan.
(i) A person can work in either of the countries.
(ii) One can choose to live in either of the countries.
(iii) One is entitled to the rights/freedoms provided in the Constitution of Kenya.

5. State two ways in which national integration has promoted economic development in Kenya.
(i) It has enabled citizens to work/employed in any part of Kenya.
(ii) It has enabled free movement of goods/services within the country.
(iii) It has enabled citizens to invest/establish businesses in any part of the country.
(iv) It has enabled people to buy property anywhere in the country.

Any 2 × 1 = 2 marks.

6. Identify one minority group whose rights were protected by the Constitution of Kenya at independence.
(i) The Europeans
(ii) The Asians
(iii) Minority indigenous African communities (except Nubians, Kor...)

Any 1 × 1 = 1 mark.

7. Outline two advantages of indirect democracy as practised in Kenya.
(i) People exercise their democratic rights/elect leaders of their own choice.
(ii) The leaders are accountable to the electorate.
(iii) The electorate/people can vote out/recall their elected leaders.
(iv) People’s views in decision making are taken into account.

Any 2 × 1 = 2 marks.

8. Give the type of human right which is violated if a person is unlawfully detained.
(i) ➫ The right of movement/freedom of movement.

1 × 1 = 1 mark.

9. State two demands of the African Elected Members Organization (AEMO) presented to the Colonial Secretary in 1957.
(i) The increase of African elected members in the Legislative Council to be increased to 14.
(ii) The demands for universal adult suffrage.
(iii) The number of African ministers be raised to 2.
(iv) Registration of voters on a common roll.
(v) The land & the status of emergency.

Any 2 × 1 = 2 marks.

Give the main contribution made by Tom Mboya which improved the welfare of workers in Kenya during the colonial period.
(i) ➫ He formed Trade union/workers' union

1 × 1 = 1 mark.

Outline two types of cases which are determined by the Kadhi’s courts in Kenya.
(i) Marriage cases.
(ii) Divorce cases.
(iii) Inheritance cases.
(iv) Personal status.

Any 2 × 1 = 2 marks.

Give two reasons that may lead to the removal of a County Governor from office in Kenya.
(i) If he/she violates the Constitution/any other law.
(ii) If he/she commits a crime under national/international law.
(iii) Due to abuse of office/gross misconduct.
(iv) Due to mental or physical incapacity to perform functions of the office.

Any 2 × 1 = 2 marks.

Identify one National Security organ of the Republic of Kenya.
(i) Kenya Defence Forces.
(ii) National Intelligence Service.
(iii) National Police Service.

Any 1 × 1 = 1 mark.

Give one classification of land ownership enshrined in the Constitution of Kenya.
(i) Public land.
(ii) Community land.
(iii) Private land.

Any 1 × 1 = 1 mark.

State two roles played by Theatre in nation building.
(i) It educates people on different cultural aspects.
(ii) It provides entertainment.
(iii) It creates employment.
(iv) It helps in uniting people.

(v) It enhances creativity/sculpture/art and craft painting.

(vi) It promotes dance/music industry.
 vii It reflects on the country’s political development! (handwritten in red ink)

Any 2 × 1 = 2 marks.

Give the main reason why President Daniel Arap Moi banned ethnic organisations in 1979.

  • In order to promote national unity.

1 × 1 = 1 mark.

SECTION B (45 marks)

Answer any THREE Questions from this section in the space provided after question 24.

18. (a) Outline three factors that enabled the early visitors to come to the East African Coast before 1500 AD.

(i) - The accessibility of the East African Coast from the sea/ocean.

(ii) - The development of marine technology/existence of marines. (natural factors) (cartography) (handwritten in red ink)

(iii) - The existence of monsoon winds.

(iv) - The technology/knowledge of boat making.

v (handwritten in red ink)
Resistance of natural (other historians) (handwritten in red ink)

Any 3 × 1 = 3 marks.

(b) Explain six effects of the Indian Ocean trade on the East African Coastal inhabitants before 1500 AD.

(i) It led to the development/growth of the city states/towns along the coast like Mombasa which were rich/famous.

(ii) Many foreigners settled in the East African Coast thereby increasing the population in the region.

(iii) Islamic code of law/sharia was introduced which was used to govern the coastal city states/people.

(iv) Islamic religion widely spread in the region as many people were converted into it.

(v) Arabic/Persian architecture was introduced which was reflected in the designs of houses/mosques built in the region.

(vi) Islamic education was introduced where Islamic schools/madrassa were constructed.

(vii) There was intermarriage(s) between the early visitors and the coastal inhabitants resulting with the new breed of people called Waswahili.

(viii) Kiswahili language emerged, which was a combination of Bantu and Arabic languages.

(ix) There was introduction of new crops like rice/cloves/millet/fruits which became staple foods for the coastal people.

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