Published on March 3rd 2024 | 10 mins , 1873 words
1. a) Isaiah’s prophecy concerning the role of Messiah according to Isaiah 61:1-2. (6mks)
i. He would preach good tidings to the afflicted
ii. He would bind the broken hearted.
iii. He would et the captives free
iv. He would open prison to the ground
v. He would proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour
vi. He would proclaim the day of vengeance of out God.
vii. He would comfort those who mourn.
b) Describe the incidence when Jesus accompanied his parents for the Passover in Jerusalem at the age of 12 years. (7mks)
i. Jesus parents went to Jerusalem every year at the feast of the Passover.
ii. When Jesus was twelve years old, they went up to Jerusalem according to custom.
iii. When the feast was ended, the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem.
iv. His parents did not know it but supposing him to be in the company, they went a day journey.
v. They sought him among their kinsfolk and acquaintance and did not find him.
vi. They returned to Jerusalem to seek him and after 3days they found him in the temple sitting among the teachers and asking them questions.
vii. All who heard him were amazed at his understanding and his answers.
viii. When they saw him they were astonished and his mother asked him why he had treated them so.
ix. Jesus answered her and said didn’t you know that I must be in my father’s house.
x. They did not understand the saying which he spoke to them.
xi. Jesus went down with them to Nazareth and was obedient to them / his mother kept all these things in her heart.
xii. Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favour with God and man.
c) Explain seven importance of singing in a Christian service.(7mks)
i. It is an opportunity to praise/adore God
ii. Christians pass messages/pray through singing
iii. Singing creates an atmosphere of worshippers relax
iv. Singing creates an atmosphere of worship
v. The singing removes boredom because of the varied activities during the service
vi. God given talents are portrayed/enhanced during singing.
vii. Nonmembers are attracted to church through singing
viii. Those who feel depressed era encouraged through singing
ix. Singing unites/brings worshippers together as they all join in chorus/song. First 7 x 1=7mks
2. a) Seven teachings of John the Baptism about Jesus. (7mks)
i. Jesus is the Messiah
ii. Jesus us greater than John the Baptist
iii. Jesus will be filled with the Holy spirit
iv. Jesus will bring joy and salvation o the people
v. Jesus was sent by God
vi. Jesus would baptize with fire and Holy Spirit.
vii. Jesus will proclaim divine judgement
viii. Jesus will punish sinners and rewards the righteous.
b) Outline the incidence in which Jesus raised Jairus daughter. (Luke 8:40-56) (7mks)
i. Jairus, a ruler of the synagogue came to Jesus/fell at the feet of Jesus
ii. He begged Jesus to go to his house for his only daughter was dying
iii. Jesus agreed to go/large crowd pressed against Him
iv. On the way he healed a woman who had flow of blood for twelve years
v. A man from the ruler's house brought a message that the daughter has already died/no need to trouble the teacher any more
vi. Jesus told Jairus not to fear but believe/his daughter will be well
vii. Jesus went into the house with Peter, James, John/parents of the child
viii. The people were weeping/wailing for her/Jesus told them not to weep because · she was not dead
ix. Jesus took the child by the hand/told her to arise
x. Her spirit returned/she got up at once
xi. Jesus directed that something be given to her to eat
xii. The child's parents were amazed.
c) How is the church in Kenya healing the sick. (6mks)
i. The church provides free/affordable medical services for the sick
ii. It gives financial/material assistance to the sick
iii. The church provides guiding and counseling services to the sick
iv. By constructing hospitals/mobile clinics/recreational facilities for the sick
v. The church trains medical personnel to offer health services
vi. By accepting the sick in church/preaching messages of hope to them
vii. The church prays for the sick
viii. The church participates in cleaning the environment for good health
ix. Church members visit/encourage the sick
x. The church has rehabilitation centres where they care for the sick.
3.a) Narrate the parable of the good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-27) (7mks)
i. Jesus told the parable to answer a question from a lawyer who wanted to know who is neighbor was
ii. Jesus gave a story of a man who on his way from Jerusalem to Jericho
iii. The man was attacked by robbers and was seriously wounded and left for dead
iv. A priest passed by and ignored him
v. A Levite also passed by but paid no attention as well
vi. However, when a Samaritan found the injured he had compassion on him, nursed his wound and took him to an inn and paid for his expense.
vii. He promised to come back and pay for his expenses.
viii.Jesus asked the lawyer to say who among the three had proved a neighbour to the injured man.
ix. The Lawyer answered that it was the Samaritan.
x. Jesus told the Lawyer to go and do as the Samaritan had done.
b) Six accusations that were made against Jesus during the trial. (Luke 22:66-23:1-3). (6mks)
i. Jesus called himself the Christ/Messiah.
ii. He claimed to be the son of God.
iii. He was inciting people with his teaching.
iv. He was opposing the payment of taxes to Caesar.
v. He had made himself the King of the Jews against the Roman authority.
vi. Jesus had stirring up the people to revolt.
vii. He was equating himself to god/blasphemy.
c) State seven ways of how Christians are being persecuted today. (7mks)
i. Christians have at times been locked up in custody
ii. Christians have been silenced through treats from powerful people
iii. They have been denied public audience
iv. Christians are scored upon by non-believers.
v. Their messages is rejected as untrue.
vi. Christians are challenged by marvels of science
vii. Christians are harassed by political system
viii. Christians are beaten up by their rivals
ix. They face opposition from the other religion
x. Some Christians have been exiled because of their ideologies that may not agree with those in political power.
xi. In some countries, Christians have been discriminated against in the job market.
4. a) Outline seven teachings about Jesus from Peter’s message on the day of Pentecost. (7mks)
i. Jesus was from Nazareth
ii. Jesus was a son of God
iii. Jesus ascended into heaven and is exalted at the right hand of God.
iv. Jesus is the Messiah
v. God was a descendant of David
vi. Jesu had sent the Holy Spirit as a fulfillment of God’s prophecy.
vii. Jesus was killed by lawless men
viii. God raised Jesus from death
ix. Jesus was empowered by God to perform miracles/ wonders through the Holy Spirit
x. Jesus death was according to God’s plan
b) Explain the unity of believers as expressed in the concept of the Church. (Ephesians 5:21-32). (8mks)
i. Paul used the symbol of marriage to show the unity of believers
ii. Christians are united to Christ just as a husband is united to his wife
iii. Christ loves the church just as the husband loves the wife
iv. The church has to submit to Christ just as the wife submits to her husband
v. Christ is the head of the church just as the husband is the head of the wife.
vi. Just as a husband loves his body /nourishes it, so Christ loves the church / nourishes it
c) Outline the role played by the youth in the church today. (5mks)
i. The youth lead in praise and worship.
ii. They participate in choir/play instruments.
iii. They clean/decorate the church.
iv. They pray/intercede for the body of Christ.
v. They preach/teach the word of God/involved in missions.
vi. They guide and counsel members.
vii. They participate in ushering/collecting offerings.
viii. They participate in church projects/activities/contribute financially.
ix. They read the Bible in Church.
5. a) Identify five sources of Christians Ethics. (5mks)
i. Human reason/experience
ii. The bible
iii. Traditions from Christian community
iv. Natural law.
v. Situation ethics.
b) Outline seven causes of homosexuality in Kenya today. (8mks)
i. There is permissiveness in the society.
ii. Due to lack of self-control.
iii. Lack of guidance and counselling.
iv. Peer pressure/bad Company.
v. Due to drug and substance abuse.
vi. Due to confinement of people of the same gander for a long time.
vii. Poverty/lack of basic necessities.
viii. Due to western influence.
ix. Erosion of traditional African norms.
x. Due to influence from phonographic materials/mass media
c) Give reasons why the church is involved in the fight against HIV and Aids. (7mks)
i. It is a continuation of Jesus works of healing
ii. The church has a duty to guide and counsel/ promotes moral values in the Society
iii. To cater for the infected / affected members within the church
iv. To conserve / preserve God’s creation
v. It is the duty of the church to help reduce human suffering
vi. To promote economic development
vii. To promote peace in the family co- existence
6. a) Give six advantages of a monogamous marriage. (6mks)
i. Monogamous marriage enhances/promotes intimacy/conjugal rights A monogamous marriage minimizes wrangles/ conflicts on property ownership/ inheritance.
ii. It enhances security among the family members.
iii. It enhances commitment/undivided love.
iv. It upholds the dignity /honour/ confidence/ trust among the family members.
v. It reduces the risk of contracting infections/sexually transmitted diseases.
vi. Providing/catering for family needs is easier.
vii. It reduces delinquency among the family members.
b) State seven similarities in the Traditional African and Christians view on work. (7mks)
i. In both, work is mainly for the purpose of acquiring basic needs.
ii. In both, work is ordained by God.
iii. In both, rest is encouraged after work / leisure
iv. In both, work is a duty / done in obedience to God
v. In both, division of work is encouraged /sharing of work
vi. In both, hard work is emphasized / laziness is condemned
vii. In both, talents /abilities are developed through work
viii. In both, Work promotes socialization
c)State seven consequences of denying employees rest. (7mks)
i. It may lead to poor working relations
ii. The organization may realize low output.
iii. The workers may resort to a strike action / go slow
iv. Some of the employees may lose their job through sacking/resignation,
v. It can lead to poor health / death.
vi. It may lead to break up of families.
vii. It can lead to labour conflicts between the employer/ employee,
viii. Mistrust may arise leading to close supervision,
ix. Employees may develop negative attitudes towards work.
x. Accidents are likely to occur.
xi. Vandalism