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Form 4 History Paper 2 KCSE 2024 Prediction

Published on November 30th 2023 | 10 mins , 1950 words


1. Give the main advantage of using oral traditions as a source of information in history and government  (1 mark).

  • Used to obtain information where there are no written records/ Used to obtain information on non-literate societies.

2. Name the family group that early human beings developed from (1 mark).

  • Hominidae

3. Identify two areas outside Africa where early agriculture begun (2 marks).

  • Indus valley in India
  • Tigris-Euphrates valley in Mesopotamia
  • Yellow river valley in china
  • Danube valley in Europe

4. Give one limitation in use of money in trade. (1 mark)

  • Currencies keep on fluctuating in relation to others leading to imbalance in trade.
  • Creates primitive accumulation of property.
  • Some countries have weaker currencies leading to imbalance in trade.

5. Name two modern modes of water transport (2 marks)

  • Canal vessels 
  • Ferries 
  • Steam ships 
  • Hovercraft 
  • Submarines 
  • Hydrofoils
  • cruise ships 
  • yatch

6) Identify one form of picture writing during the early civilisation(1 mark)

  • Cuneiforms
  • Hieroglyphics

7. State the main contribution of the discovery of chloroform in the field of medicine (1 mark).

  • It was used to reduce pain during surgery.

8. State the main factor that led to the growth of ancient town of Kilwa. (1 mark)

  • Kilwa’s control of Sofala gold trade/ trade in gold.

9. Name two administrative units that existed in the Buganda kingdom during the pre-colonial period (2 marks).

  • The Sazas            
  • Gombolola  
  • The miluka 
  • Vassal states

10. State two reasons why the Africans in southern Tanganyika oppose the forced cotton growing programme imposed on them by the German colonial officials(2 marks)

  • The area chosen for the growth of cotton was dry and unsuitable.
  • Africans incurred losses due to crop failure.
  • Africans opposed cotton growing because it was not edible.

11. State two European activities in Africa before 1850 (2 marks)

  • They were involved in trade.
  • They were spreading Christianity.
  • They were involved in exploration.
  • They were involved in spreading Western Education.

12. Give the reason why Kwame Nkrumah broke away from United Gold Coast Convention Party (UGCC) to form Convention People’s Party (CPP) (1mark)

  • Nkrumah advocated for a radical approach while most of the older members of the UGCC were conservative and did not want confrontational politics/ideological differences

13. Highlight one way in which economic rivalries between the European powers contributed to the outbreak of the First World War.   (1 mark)

  • Competition for overseas market caused tension/friction;
  • Competition for sources of raw materials/colonies fuelled tension;
  • Tariff wars among them created tension / suspicion.
  • Competition for surplus capital.

14. State two reasons why Britain and France adopt the policy of appeasement after the First World War? (2 marks)

  • They wanted to avoid European war
  • To protect their interest in the Far East/Japan.

15. Name two permanent members of the United Nations Security Council (2marks)

  • United States of America
  • Russia
  • China
  • France
  • United Kingdom/Britain

16. Give one function of the queen of England as the head of the Commonwealth of Nations. (1 mark)

  • Directs the activities of the organization.
  • Officially opens commonwealth meetings.

17. State two functions of the east African legislative assembly established by the renewed east African community of 2001? (2 marks)

  • It provides a democratic forum for debate
  • It acts as a watchdog for the EAC
  • Participates in the legislative process


18.(a). Give three reasons why early human beings moved from forests to settle in the grasslands (3 mark).

  • Grasslands were warmer to make lack of clothing bearable
  • The grasslands had much needed food/wild animals.
  • Grasslands had much needed water/rivers

b) Describe the way of life of early human beings during the Old Stone Age period (12 marks).

  • They made simple stone tools for domestic use/oldowan tools
  • Lived in small groups in order to assist each other
  • They obtained their food through hunting and gathering
  • They used simple hunting methods such as chasing wild animals and laying traps
  • They ate raw food because fire had not been invented
  • They had no specific dwelling places
  • They sheltered from predators by climbing trees and hiding in caves
  • They wore no clothing but their hairy bodies kept them warm
  • They lived near rivers and lakes

19 (a). State five factors that have contributed to the growth of Johannesburg city. (5 marks)

  • Discovery of gold in Witwatersrand.
  • There was clean water supply from river Vaal which was used for domestic as well as industrial use.
  • It is situated on a plain (veldt) which make building constructions and communication easy.
  • Existence of minerals such as diatomite.
  • The areas surrounding the town have fertile soils therefore agriculturally productive.
  • Availability of cheap source of labour for mines and industries.
  • Government policies that favoured and encouraged establishment of industries in Johannesburg.
  • Availability of banking facilities that availed capital to the investors.
  • Existence of several industries such as textile, and motor vehicle assembly industries which attracted large population of workers to the city.

b) Describe five social problems faced by the residents of Johannesburg since the end of apartheid. (10 marks)

  • Africans living around Johannesburg faced poor working conditions.
  • Development of slums as most people live in shanties due to unemployment.
  • Poor living conditions in the slums such as poor sanitation.
  • Increase in criminal activities due to unemployment.
  • Pollution from industries and garbage.
  • Increase in HIV/AIDS infection which has claimed economically productive people in the city.
  • Wide gap between the affluent who are the minority and the poor majority who are Africans.
  • Inadequate social facilities such as education and health facilities.

20 (a). Give three reason why the second location of Samouri Toure's empire was not as good as the first one during his war with the French (3 marks)

  • He was cut off from his gold mines at Bure which made him lack revenue to sustain his army.
  • He was cut off from Freetown where he used to buy firearms.
  • His southern frontier of the empire was open to French attacks from the Ivory Coast.
  • Samouri was at war with the communities which he had attacked in his expansion campaign in his second empire.
  • He was surrounded by his enemies from all sides with the occupation of the Asante Empire by the British.

(b) What were the results of the British Ndebele war of 1893? (12mks)

  • The Ndebele lost their independence/company rule was established over Matebeleland.
  • There was massive loss of lives during the war.
  • The Ndebele lost a lot of property through destruction.
  • Bulawayo the capital by the Ndebele kingdom was destroyed.
  • The Ndebele lost land to British settlers as the Ndebele were moved to reserves.
  • The economic activities of the Ndebele such as agriculture, trade and mining were disrupted.
  • There was widespread fear and insecurity and among the Ndebele
  • The war provoked anti-British feelings which partly contributed to Chimurenga war of 1896 and 1897.
  • The Ndebele military power was weakened.
  • The Shona were made policemen over the Ndebele.
  • The Ndebele were subjected to taxation.
  • The Ndebele cattle were confiscated
  • The Ndebele were subjected to forced labour.

21 (a). Why did the British use direct rule in Zimbabwe?(5 marks).

  • They desired to control the economy of Zimbabwe to maximize profits.
  • The indigenous/local political institutions based on induna system had been destroyed during British occupation of Zimbabwe.
  • To ensure complete control of Africans/to end African resistance.
  • Existence of the British South African Company personnel on the spot who were familiar with the area as well as the British system of administration.
  • The British South African Company had enough finance to pay administrative officers. 

(b). Highlight five characteristics of direct rule in Zimbabwe (10 marks).

  • There were a large number of European settlers.
  • White settlers developed an attitude that Zimbabwe was pre-ordained to be a white settler’s colony.
  • The colony was administered by a commercial company (BSAC) for a long period.
  • Europeans served in many subordinate positions/performed simple administrative duties that were handled by African employees in most of the other British colonies.
  • Legco was dominated by settlers and they declared self-government in 1923.
  • The Europeans acquired large tracts of African land and the Africans were forced to provide labour.
  • The administration was very authoritative and managed by white minorities.
  • Racial segregation was the main government policy imposed by the whites to discriminate Africans.


22.(a). State three demands that Austria presented to Serbia after the assassination of Austria-Hungary heir apparent Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo (3 marks)

  • Serbia to suppress all societies organizing anti- Austrian propaganda
  • Serbia to dismiss all officials that Austria objected
  • Austrian police to be allowed to enter Serbia to ensure that the above demand are fulfilled 

(b). What were the results of the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima in Japan in 1945? (12 marks)

  • It brought the Second World War into an end as Japan surrendered unconditionally.
  • It led to the allied forces winning the war.
  • There was destruction of property of great value.
  • The radio- active elements caused many diseases.
  • the bombing resulted to death of many people
  • Many people suffered psychologically.
  • The bombing led to economic decline as a lot of properties were destroyed and many people killed.
  • Many people were maimed.

23 (b) State five factors that led to the development of the cold war. (5 marks)

  • Ideological differences between capitalist U.S.A and communist Russia led to hostility.
  • Failure of U.S.A and U.S.S.R to agree on the arms reduction plan intensified their hostility.
  • Denomination of the UN by the western powers created tension between U.S.A and U.S.S.R.
  • The formation of military alliances like North Atlantic Treaty Organization by U.S.A and Warsaw Pact by U.S.S.R created tension between U.S.A and U.S.S.R.
  • The introduction of economic recovery plans like marshal plan by U.S.A and COMECON by U.S.S.R created tension between the two blocks.
  • The iron curtain policy adopted by the U.S.S.R which sealed Eastern Europe from the west made international relations very poor.
  • Differences over Germany as U.S.A wanted a political and economically weak Germany in order to safeguard another invasion.

c) Explain five factors that contributed to the end of cold war (10 marks)

  • The collapse of communism in Eastern Europe and U.S.S.R weakened the position of Russia. 
  • The coming to power of Mikhail Gorbachev as head of the Soviet Union who adopted peaceful coexistence policy/ death of U.S.S.R president Stalin who was a hard liner. 
  • Gorbachev’s policy of restructuring and openness/ prestroika 
  • American diplomatic effort to foster friendly coexistence with U.S.S.R. 
  • unification of Germany in 1990 ended the U.S.A and U.S.S.R conflict over East and West Germany 
  • The support of cold war in 1991 led by America was a proof that U.S.S.R was willing to cooperate with the western capitalist. 
  • Dissolution of the Warsaw pact with the fall of communisms in Eastern Europe. 
  • Signing of the strategic arms reduction treaties between U.S.A and Russia who agreed to cut down their nuclear warheads 
  • U.S.A president reagent policy of flexibility and openness helped in diffusing tension during the cold war. 

24.(a). Identify three organs of the African Union (3 marks) 

  • The assembly 
  • The executive council 
  • The permanent representative committee. 
  • Peace and Security Council. 
  • Pan-African parliament. 
  • Economic, social and cultural council. 
  • Court of justice. 
  • Financial institutions. 
  • Specialized committee. 

b) Describe six functions of the African Union’s General Assembly. (12 marks) 

  • Decides on common policies of the union. 
  • Considers application for membership. 
  • Adopts the budget of the African union. 
  • Directs the process of conflict resolution. 
  • Appoints judges for the court of justice. 
  • Appoints the chairman of the commission. 
  • Establish new organ of the commission. 
  • Monitor the implementation of policies/decisions of the union. 
  • Give directions to the executive council on the management of conflicts/war/emergency situations. 

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