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Form 4 Home Science Paper 1 Marking Scheme

Published on June 10th 2024 | 16 mins , 3126 words

1. Outline two uses of separating tools (1mark)

·      Draining of oil

·      Straining

·      Sieving

2. Suggest two methods of cooking you would use when preparing a meal for a person recovering from an illness (1mark)

·      Boiling/poaching

·      Steaming

·      Stewing

3.  Mention two conditions suitable for the growth of yeast (1mark)

·      Food

·      Warmth

·      Liquid

4.  Highlight two uses of batters in cookery (1mark)

·      Make pancakes

·      Coat foods

5. Differentiate between essential and non-essential amino acids (1mark)

·      Essential cannot be made by the body and have to be obtained from foods while non essentials can be made by the body.

6.  Suggest two ways of managing goiter (1mark)

·      Treat with drugs or surgery

·      Use of iodized salt

·      Surgery

8.  List two food reasons for food fortification (1mark)

·      Improve nutrient value

·      Give flavor

·      Texture

·      Appearance

·      Prevent nutritional deficiency diseases

9.  Outline two functional accessories used in the home (1mark)

·      Lamps

·      Calendars

·      Mirrors

·      Clocks

10. Highlight two examples of pendant fixtures used at home (1mark)

·      Chandeliers

·      Rise and fall fitments

11. State two negative effects of wood as a type of fuel used in the home (1mark)

·      Smoke irritates the eyes

·      Flickers could cause fires and burns

·      Some trees could be poisonous


13. Give two reasons as to why tissue papers/ disposable paper towels are better used by the sick (1mark)

·      Are affordable

·      Easily disposed off

·      Prevents spread of infections

14. List two causes of foreign bodies in the eye (1mark)

·      Eye lash

·      Grit embedded there

·      Some chemical

15. Name two types of maisonettes (1mark)

·      Attached

·      Semi detached

·      Detached

16. Define the following terms (1mark).

a)     Fixed Dirt

·      refers to loose dirt that has come into contact with water or grease

b)    Suction

·      A method of cleaning that involves the use of a vacuum cleaner

17. Mention two surfaces that can be cleaned by scrubbing (1mark)

·      Cemented floors, stone

·      Terrazzo

·      Plain wood

20. Name the drug that the mother and the baby are given during delivery to prevent transmission of HIV/ AIDS …antiretroviral(1mark)

21.  State two activities done at post-natal care to the baby.                                                                                              (1mark)

· General health is assessed and treatment is given if necessary

·      Growth rate is monitored

·      The baby is immunized against some childhood diseases

22.Highlight two vaccines administered orally (1mark)

·      Oral polio

·      Vitamin a capsule

23.  Mention two ways of sterilizing feeding equipments (1mark)

·      Boiling

·      Use of sterilizing solution

24. State two play items meant for infants (1mark)

·      Shakers                       Ribbons

·      Rattles


27. Outline two physical needs of an expectant mother (1mark)

·      Adequate sleep

·      Working normally to avoid fatigue

·      Doing exercises

·      wearing loose fitting clothing/low heeled shoes

·      Maintaining high standards of hygiene

·      Needs to rest her feet on a low stool or a foot rest

28.  List two services rendered at a fee in your locality (1mark)

·      Banking

·      Barber shop

·      Salon

·      Cleaning services

·      Medical

30. Give two examples of flexible expenses (1mark)

·      Food

·      Medical

·      Transport

·      Clothes

·      Entertainment

31. Name two ways consumers can get information about items to be bought (1mark)

·      Advertisement

·      Acquaintances i.e. friends, associates

·      Window-shopping

32.Name two uses of pockets on garments (1mark)

·      Functional

·      Decorative

·      Fashion features


34. List two methods of neatening seams   (1mark)

·      Overcasting

·      Edge stitching

·      Loop stitching

·      Binding

·      Machine zigzag and overlock

·      Pinking

35. Name two decorative stitches used to make clothes and articles attractive (1mark)

·      Herring bone

·      Chain stitch

·      Cross stitch

·      Stem stitch

·      Faggoting

36 Give the function of the following parts of a sewing machine (1mark)

a)    Tension disc

·      It controls the tightness of the thread during sewing


·      Used to make theatre curtains

·      Protective clothing i.e. overalls for fire fighters

·      Used as an insulator in manufacturing electrical appliances

38. Highlight two possible causes   of stitches looping during sewing (1mark)

·      Incorrect threading

·      Upper and lower tension too loose

39. Outline two uses of temporary stitches (1mark)

·      Hold work temporarily before making permanent stitches

·      Used to hold down hems,seams,darts

40. Give two examples of openings used on garments (1mark)

·      Continuous wrap opening

·      Faced slit opening

·      Bound opening

·      Panel

·      Front

·      Zipped

·      Fly


41.      You have been assigned tasks In the kitchen by your mother .Through clean ;

a)    The terrazzo floor and the long handled scrubbing brush made of painted wood (14 marks)

b)   The white cotton kitchen towel (6marks)




 | 1.      Collect equipment and materials 2.      Remove light furniture, cover food stuff 3.      Sweep floor and skirting board 4.      Clean the floor and skirting board by scrubbing with a brush in warm soapy water -Start from the furthest end towards the door ,a section at time -use circular movement 5.  Rinse with a cloth a section at a time in clean warm water 6.  Final rinse with a cloth from clean cold water 7.  Dry thoroughly with a floor cloth/mop 8.  Re-arrange 9.  Clean and store equipment /material used | -To save on time and energy -To create more space and prevent dust from getting into the food -To remove loose dirt -To dislodge maximum dirt   -For a systematic flow  -To ensure all parts are cleaned -To remove dirt and soap  -To freshen  -To remove moisture  -To put back in order -For later use

1.      Collect equipment and materials to save on time and energy

2. Remove light furniture, cover food stuff to create more space and prevent dust from getting into the food

3.  Sweep floor and skirting board to remove loose dirt

-Start from the furthest end towards the door, a section at time for a systematic flow

-use circular movement to ensure all parts are cleaned

5.  Rinse with a cloth a section at a time in clean warm water to remove dirt and soap

6.  Final rinse with a cloth from clean cold water to freshen

7.  Dry thoroughly with a floor cloth/mop to remove moisture

8.  Re-arrange to put back in order

9.  Clean and store equipment /material used for later us



 | BRUSH 1.  Collect equipment and materials 2.  Remove fluff using a comb/toothpick/wire/stick 3.  Clean bristles in warm soapy water by beating it up and down in the foam 4.  Rinse it severally in clean warm water by beating it in 5.  Finally rinse the bristles in clean cold water by beating it WOODEN HANDLE AND STALK 6.Clean the head and handle using a cloth wrung out of warm soapy water 7.  Rinse severally using a cloth wrung out of clean warm water 8.  Final rinse using a cloth wrung out of clean cold water 9.  Flick the brush thoroughly 10.Dry it outdoor by hanging /placing it sideways 11.  Store while hanged and bristles facing up |  To save on time and energy For easy cleaning  To dislodge dirt  To remove soap and dirt To freshen To dislodge dirt To remove soap and dirt To freshen To remove excess water To remove any moisture To avoid flattening the bristles


1.  Collect equipment and materials to save on time and energy

2.  Remove fluff using a comb/toothpick/wire/stick for easy cleaning

3.      Clean bristles in warm soapy water by beating it up and down in the foam to dislodge dirt                                                                                                     


5.  Finally rinse the bristles in clean cold water by beating it to freshen


6.  Clean the head and handle using a cloth wrung out of warm soapy water to dislodge dirt

7.  Rinse severally using a cloth wrung out of clean warm water to remove soap and dirt

8.  Final rinse using a cloth wrung out of clean cold water to freshen

9.  Flick the brush thoroughly to remove excess water

10.  Dry it outdoor by hanging /placing it sideways to remove any moisture

11.  Store while hanged and bristles facing up to avoid flattening the bristles



 | 1.      Collect equipment and material 2.      Flick towel 3.      Soak in cold soapy water 4.      Wring out of soaking water 5.      Wash in hot soapy water using friction method -pay attention to the hems 6.  Rinse severally in clean hot water 7.  Boil for 15-20 mins 8.  Final rinse in clean cold water 9.  Wring out 10.Flick towel 11.  Hang on clothes line in direct sunlight secured with pegs 12.  Press with a moderately got iron 13.  Air 14.  Fold/roll 15.  Clean and store equipment and materials | To save on time and energy To remove loose dirt To loosen greasy dirt Not to cool washing water To dislodge dirt   To remove soap and dirt To disinfect To freshen To extract all the water To remove creases To dry , enhance whiteness and pegs not to fall To remove creases To remove ironing oduors/ dry completely To store orderly For later use

1.      Collect equipment and material to save on time and energy

3.      Soak in cold soapy water to loosen greasy dirt

4.      Wring out of soaking water not to cool washing water

5.      Wash in hot soapy water using friction method paying attention to the hems to dislodge dirt

6.  Rinse severally in clean hot water to remove soap and dirt

7.  Boil for 15-20 mins to disinfect

8.  Final rinse in clean cold water to freshen

9.  Wring out to extract all the water

10.  Flick towel to remove creases

11.  Hang on clothes line in direct sunlight secured with pegs to dry, enhance whiteness and pegs not to fall

12.  Press with a moderately got iron to remove creases

13.  Air to remove ironing oduors and dry completely

14.  Fold/roll to store orderly

15.  Clean and store equipment and materials for later use

 section c 

Answer any two questions from this section in the spaces provided at the end of the section.

a) Describe four general rules for boiling foods (4marks)

·      Vegetables should be boiled in just enough water and nearer serving time to preserve nutrients.


·      Cook till tender just enough to retain shape, nutrients, colour and flavor.

·      The liquid used for boiling meats and vegetables should be used make stock and sauces

·      Boiled foods should be covered to minimize nutrient and time loss

·      Add Seasoning to the boiling water.

b)   Highlight four ways in which one can observe in the care of ironing boards (4marks)

·      Always use a loose cover on the ironing board to keep it clean

·      Fold the ironing board before storing, place it standing against the wall or place it on flat surface.

·      Oil its joints occasionally.

·      Use it for the right purpose.

·      Use heat proof mat always to rest the iron

c) Describe four reasons for baby’s refusal to breastfeed (4marks)

·      Sickness, appetite is lost during sickness

·      Feeding pattern, when the baby is fed with other foods before breast feeding.

·      Enables one to give priority to essential items

·      Enables the family to live within their means

·      Provides an organized method of accumulating family savings

·      Provides a basis of analyzing the needs of the family

·      Gives psychological if followed

e)    Using a clearly labelled diagram explain the working of a knife pleat on lower skirt frill (4marks)

·      Mark out the position of the pleats using thread marking or tailors chalk

·      Fold the work so that the surface is on top ,underfold is in the middle and base is at the bottom

·      Baste and press the pleats in readiness for attachment

a)    Explain how the following food nutrients can be conserved (4marks)

ü Proteins during cooking            -Cook for a short period of time

-     Use gentle heat

ü Vitamin C during preparation -Prepared just before serving,

-Food should be thinly peeled.

-   Wash before shredding



ü Vitamin A during storage- covered in tight lids

-   Store away from direct sunlight

ü Minerals during cooking -not to be cooked in too much water since they dissolve

b)   Highlight four types of windows used to ventilate a room (4marks)

·      Louvre

·      Fanlight

·      Vertically pivoted

·      Horizontally pivoted

·      Gliding windows

c)    Outline eight habits a child should be trained on. (4marks)

·      Wash hands before eating

·      Use the toilet properly

·      Feed himself or herself properly

·      Clean off dirt from his or her clothes

·      Say thank you and please ( courteous words)

·      Eat meals without fussing

·      Take a bath everyday

·      Have enough sleep

·      Be considerate ,cheerful/polite

·      Be responsible with personal items

·      Express oneself and be confident

·      Share with others i.e. possessions ,play things, food

d)   Give four ways a consumer shows integrity when purchasing goods (4marks)

·      Paying for all goods purchased

·      Accept only the correct change

·      Show zero tolerance to corruption by not giving and accepting bribes

·      Respect other consumers i.e. not jumping the queues

·      Respect sellers, shop owners by using polite language

·      Accept properly acquired goods not those from dubious means

e) Describe the characteristics of a well-made seam (4marks)

·      Strongly stitched to last long

·      Accurately stitched to maintain a good line so that the drape, size shape are retained.

·      Neatly stitched to enhance appearance

·      Matched where they cross or meet each other.

·      Of appropriate width and equal in all parts of the garment

·      Well pressed and flat

a)    Highlight four ways pastry is kept cool during preparation (4marks)

·      Using flour that has been kept in a cool dry place.

·      Keeping the fat in the fridge or in any other cool place

·      Using cold water drawn from the tap if possible

·      Using fingertips for rubbing in fat as they are the coolest part of the hands

·      Using pastry knife or spatula to mix as they are cooler than hands

·      Rinsing the hands in cold water before handling the pastry

·      Handling the pastry as little as possible

·      Lifting and shaping the pastry with a rolling pin and a palette knife

·      Relaxing the pastry in a cool   place between rollings and before cooking

·      Using short forward strokes wen rolling out

b)   Describe four points to consider when choosing furnitures(4marks)

·      Cost, buy the best from the money available ,should be within the budget

·      Durability

·      Size

·      Construction




c)    Explain four ways of meeting the social needs of a patient recuperating at home (4marks)

·      Visited and talked with and not talked to.

·      Presence of loved ones and close friends make the sick happy

·      Avoid isolating the sick ,involve them with activities

·      If there are people the sick would hate to see they should be kept away from the sick.

d)   State four advantages of cash buying (4marks)

·      The buyer sometimes gets a discount on the buying price

·      No interest charged

·      The form of buying prevents one from overspending

·      When cash buying one doesn’t buy on impulse

·      It enables one to follow a budget strictly

·      Speed ,there is no need for verification, identification or authorization

·      Accepted everywhere

e)    Highlight four reasons for controlling fullness on garments (4marks)


·      Decorating the garment

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