Quality Exams

Form 4 KCSE CRE Paper 1 Prediction

Published on November 30th 2023 | 10 mins , 1987 words

 1a) Give reasons why the Bible is considered as the word of God (7 marks)

 ü  The people/authors who wrote the Bible were under the influence of the Holy Spirit/inspired.

ü  Through it, God’s character/attributes/nature is revealed/speak about God.

ü  God speaks/communicates to human being through the Bible/it contains Gods spoken words.

ü  It shows the will/desire of God for human beings.

ü  Through the Bible God guides people in their daily lives.

ü  It transforms lives of people/source of moral values.

ü  Part of the Bible was directly written by God Himself i.e Ten Commandments.

ü  Prophecies/promises made in the Bible have been fulfilled.

ü  It reveals the actions done by God.

ü  It outlines Gods plan by salvation fulfilled through Jesus Christ.

ü  It remains relevant for all generations/never changes.


b)  Outline the translations of the Bible from the original language to local languages. (8 marks)

 ü  The Old Testament was originally written in Hebrew

ü  The New Testament was originally written in Greek.

ü  The Old Testament was translated from Hebrew into Greek/the Septuagint.

ü  The Bible was translated into National languages of European Countries during the period of reformation/English/Dutch/German.

ü  The New Testament was translated from English into Kiswahili by Dr. Ludwig Krapt.

ü  The Bible was then translated to various local languages by the Bible Society of Kenya.

ü  The translation of the Bible into local languages in Kenya is still ongoing.


c)  Identify five ways in which the Bible is misused in Kenya today (5 marks)

 ü  It is used to take oaths in courts/offices by people who may not be believers/not saying the truth.

ü  It is kept in places associated with evil.

ü  There is distortion of the Biblical teachings specific verses are picked to fulfil individual demands/misinterpretation.

ü  Some people use the Bible like an ordinary text book/references.

ü  It is being used in witchcraft/cults to mislead people.

ü  Some new versions translated have changed the original meaning of the Bible.

2a) Narrate Abraham’s attempt to sacrifice his son Isaac. (Genesis 22:1-19) (6 marks)


ü  God told Abraham to take his only son to the land of Moriah/offer him as a sacrifice.

ü  Abraham took his son, two servants and wood for burnt offering.

ü  They arrived at the place after a three days journey.

ü  Abraham commanded his servants to remain behind as he and Isaac went up to worship.

ü  He took Isaac, the firewood and the Knife and went up.

ü  Isaac asked his father where the lamb for the offering would come from.

ü  Abraham told Isaac that God would provide the lamb for a burnt offering. When they arrived at the place God had commanded, Abraham built an altar. He bound Isaac, laid him on the altar upon the wood.

ü  Abraham took the knife to slay his son but the angel of the Lord stopped him. Abraham saw a ram which he offered instead of his son.

ü  He called the name of the place. ‘The Lord will provide’

ü  The angel appeared to Abraham a second time and gave him promises because of his obedience.

ü  Abraham returned with his men to Beerisheba.

 b)  Similarities between the Jewish and Traditional African practices of circumcision. (7 marks)

ü  In both it promotes one into full membership of the community.

ü  It is a mark of identification of a person to a particular community.

ü  It is carried out on male children.

ü  In both cases circumcision has a religious significance.

ü  In both cases special people/religious leaders/head of the communities carry out the operation.

ü  In both cases it unites the members to the ancestors.

ü  In both cases members receive new names.

ü  In both cases the rite is carried on from generation to generation.

ü  In both cases the ritual is a communal affair.

ü  In both cases it involves the cutting of the foreskin.

 Reasons why church leaders in Kenya takes vows before starting their mission. (7 marks)

 ü  To receive God’s blessings/guidance.

ü  To get acknowledgement from the people being served.

ü  It reminds the leader to stick to the church regulation/mission/faithful.


3a) Explain seven ways used by King to promote the worship of Yahweh in Israel. (7 marks)

 ü  He brought the ark of covenant to Jerusalem.

ü  He made Jerusalem a Holy City where Israelites from all over the land came for important religious occasion.

ü  He composed the Psalms which were used in worship by the Israelites.

ü  He showed respect to the Prophets of Yahweh/Listened to their messages.

ü  He wanted to build a temple for God/Made preparations for its construction.

ü  When he made mistakes he asked for Yahweh’s forgiveness/repented.

ü  He sought God’s guidance in whatever he wanted to do.

ü  He entered into a covenant with God.

ü  He built altars/offered sacrifices.


3b) With references to 1st Kings 21: 17-29 give the forms of punishment prophesized by Elijah to King Ahab and Queen Jezebel. (7 marks)

ü  Death of King Ahab would be in the same place/ valley of Jezebel like Naboth.

ü  Evil would be upon Ahab.

ü  God was to take away the prosperity of Ahab/his role would come to an end.

ü  All the male children free/slave would be cut off.

ü  The lineage of Ahab would be wiped out.

ü  The dogs would eat anybody who belongs to the family of Ahab who died in the city.

ü  The birds of the air would eat all who die in the field

ü  The dogs would eat the body of Jezebel.


3c)What lessons can Christian learn about social Justice from the story of Naboths’s vineyard. (6 marks)

ü  Christians should not use their position in leadership to acquire wealth irregularly/falsely.

ü  Christians should protect the poor against corrupt leaders.

ü  They should safeguard property received through inheritance/according to the law.

ü  They should be misled by their friends/relatives to go against the law.

ü  Christians should execute justice/protect rights/freedom of citizens/not kill.

ü  They should condemn all forms of injustices in the society.


4.  a) Identify reasons why God sent prophets to Israel in the Israel. (7 marks) 2006.

 ü  They spoke on behalf of God/God’s messengers/mouth pieces.

ü  They foretold the future events.

ü  They guided counselled the kings.

ü  They called people back to repentance/gave message of hope.

ü  They reminded the people about the covenant.

ü  They condemned the evil in society.

ü  They warned the people of God’s judgement.

ü  They made the people understand the nature of God.

ü  They offered sacrifices to God.

ü  They anointed Kings.

ü  They interpret the vision dreams from God/current events.

 b)  The teaching of Prophet Amos on the Remnant and Restoration.


ü  The Remnant were the small group that would survive God’s punishment/destruction.

ü  Prophet Amos taught that those who would repent sincerely would be spared.

ü  The remnants would recover their homes/rebuild ruined cities/live forever.

ü  The restored Kingdom would enjoy material prosperity.

ü  After exile Judah and Israel would be restored/re-united into a strong Kingdom.

ü  Through the remnant, God’s promises would be fulfilled/blessings would come to the nation.

ü  Only sinners would perish.

ü  The restored people would enjoy the fruits of their labour.

ü  God would be again their God and they would be His people.

ü  The restoration would come only after God’s judgement/exile.


c)  Reasons why Christians are encouraged to repent their sins.


ü  Christians are encouraged to repent their sin as a demonstration of their obedience to biblical teachings.

ü  So as to lead holy/righteous lives.

ü  To be a good example to others/role models.

ü  To be able to prepare for the Kingdom of God.

ü  To avoid God’s punishment/judgement.


5a) State the evils condemned by Prophet Jeremiah during the temple sermon. (6 marks)


ü  Prophet Jeremiah condemned the false belief that the temple could not be destroyed since it was God’s dwelling place.

ü  He condemned the worship of gods/idolatry.

ü  He condemned the practice of human sacrifice which was against the commands of God.

ü  He condemned hypocrisy among the people/syncretism/insincere worship.

ü  Prophet Jeremiah condemned the defilement of the temple/people had idols in it.

ü  He condemned the oppression of the foreigners/widows/orphans which was against the covenant of life.

ü  He condemned the stubbornness of the Israelites against God’s warning ignored the teachings of the Prophets/failed to repent.

b)  Explain the circumstances that led the Israelites to be taken to exile in Babylon during the time of Prophet Jeremiah.  (8 marks)

ü  The Israelites had forsaken the covenant way of life.

ü  They had forsaken the religion of their fore fathers/worshipped idols.

ü  The Israelites had persecuted/rejected the Prophets of Yahweh.

ü  They ignored the message of the true Prophets.

ü  The rulers were weak/did nothing to the return of the Israelites to the covenant way of life.

ü  Nebuchadnezzar had defeated the Egyptians/made it easy for his army to March North.

ü  The King surrendered leading to their deportation to Babylon as exiles.

ü  There were intermarriages with foreigners

ü  There were false Prophet/priest who spoke lies/failed to speak the truth.

ü  The Israelites did not repent their sins as warned by Prophet Jeremiah.


c)  Give six lessons Christians learn from Prophet Jeremiah’s temple sermon. (6 marks)


ü  Christians should have absolute trust/faith in God.

ü  Christians should be morally upright/be exemplary.

ü  They should warn people about judgement/punish the sinners/call sinners to repentance.

ü  Christians should denounce/condemn social evils in the society.

ü  Christians should help the needy /widows/orphans.

6a) Identify the regulations that any expectant mother is required to observe in Traditional African Communities.  (7 marks)

ü  An expectant mother is supposed to eat special food/avoid eggs/fatty/alcohol.

ü  She is not expected to perform heavy duties/farm work/splitting firewood.

ü  She is to avoid sexual intercourse.

ü  Not supposed to handle iron/sharp objects to avoid injury.

ü  Not supposed to speak face to face with her husband.

ü  Required to go back to her mother/parents home for delivery.

ü  Supposed to be checked frequently/counselling by traditional midwives.

ü  She is given special herbs for the health of the baby/unborn.

ü  Make sacrifices/appease spirits/ancestors.


b)  Give seven reasons why sacrifices are made in Traditional African societies. (7 marks)

ü  To worship God/ancestors

ü  It is a way of seeking for protection.

ü  A way of acknowledging God as a source of life.

ü  To seek God’s help in times of trouble/petition God for help.

ü  It is a way of cleansing/reconciliation.

ü  To thank God for victories/success/gratitude.

ü  To ask for blessings from God.

ü  In recognition of God’s power/honour.

c)  Outline reasons why witchcraft is feared in Traditional African Communities. (6 marks)

ü  Witchcraft leads to death/destruction.

ü  It is the work of the evil spirits.

ü  It leads to poverty/loss of property.

ü  It involves cheating/telling lies.

ü  In some cases people are forced to leave their homes/migrate to other places.

ü  It can lead to break up of families.

ü  A person can be banished/made an outcast.

ü  Witchcraft causes suspicion/hatred/mistrust among people.

ü  It leads to under development.


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